Sunday, September 4, 2011

Box o' action figures

The doorbell rang early this morning, about 8:30AM. I sprang to my feet, nearly knocking over my coffee as I did so, and ran down the stairs to the door.

They were here.

I purchased a lot of 22 vintage Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back action figures from a guy on Rebel Scum a couple of weeks ago (BrettX209 - a good seller). Since then I've tracked their progress online as they made their way across the Pacific. Yesterday they were released from customs here in town, so I knew they'd arrive today.

They are the coolest thing I have ever received in the mail by far.

To put that statement in perspective for you, the Rolling Stones on a lark once had themselves mailed to me. The whole band.

Getting the Stones in the mail was pretty cool, but nowhere near as cool as getting a boxful of vintage Star Wars action figures.

Pulling them out of their box, I was happy to see they that all came lovingly wrapped in their own baggies:
Everybody survived the trip:
The coolest part of this lot is that it includes R2D2 and two Jawas. As a kid I only had R2D2 and no Jawas. Which meant that I couldn't do this:
So sweet.

These are the first loose action figures I have had since I was a kid. I am now on my way to owning them all, just like the backs of the boxes used to exhort me to do.


  1. What an awesome treasure trove to receive in the post! :) That picture on your title banner brings back some splendid memories of the hours I spent poring over the figure back card thing, wishing I had all of them :)

  2. Yeah, it was really sweet! I`ve gotten a few more packages since then, I`m swamped with Star Wars action figures from the 80s now. I used to look at those catalogues and cardbacks as a kid too, wishing.....:)
