Sunday, September 4, 2011

Box o' action figures

The doorbell rang early this morning, about 8:30AM. I sprang to my feet, nearly knocking over my coffee as I did so, and ran down the stairs to the door.

They were here.

I purchased a lot of 22 vintage Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back action figures from a guy on Rebel Scum a couple of weeks ago (BrettX209 - a good seller). Since then I've tracked their progress online as they made their way across the Pacific. Yesterday they were released from customs here in town, so I knew they'd arrive today.

They are the coolest thing I have ever received in the mail by far.

To put that statement in perspective for you, the Rolling Stones on a lark once had themselves mailed to me. The whole band.

Getting the Stones in the mail was pretty cool, but nowhere near as cool as getting a boxful of vintage Star Wars action figures.

Pulling them out of their box, I was happy to see they that all came lovingly wrapped in their own baggies:
Everybody survived the trip:
The coolest part of this lot is that it includes R2D2 and two Jawas. As a kid I only had R2D2 and no Jawas. Which meant that I couldn't do this:
So sweet.

These are the first loose action figures I have had since I was a kid. I am now on my way to owning them all, just like the backs of the boxes used to exhort me to do.